A Library part can be anything from Sections to plates and they are used to create projects fast. Different types of parts that can be kept in the library consist of:

  • Driving Sketch Components
  • Sections
  • Plates
  • Grids
  • Levels
  • Handrailing Components such as stanchions and bends
  • Fasteners

The philosophy of a library is to have it so that when you choose an item from it, minimal changes are required. Changing 10% or less is faster than starting from scratch. With SOLIDWORKS parametric behavior, suppression, unsuppression and equations, we have automated a number of the parts to automatically update upon insertion at the attachment to a sketch segment stage. NOTE: All items in the library have detailed drawings behind them. So when the library item is inserted, its associated detail drawing is copied from the library into the project ready for any quick updates.



Everything that is stored in the library can be viewed from the Library Manager. Add New items to the library, remove them, modify them and know what is in your library with smart library filters and model types.


When the delete key is selected in SOLIDWORKS, the assemblies and components that are selected are only removed from SOLIDWORKS. The files still remain, our feature removes the associated components file and drawing file, backs them up and removes them from the project. It is always good to do a little house keeping when using SOLIDWORKS since we use a lot of files and insertion from a library tends to insert many completed files very fast.


The Copy Part feature turns your project into a library. By selecting an existing part item in a project, then select an Origin, Multiple Sketch Segments and or sketch, the copy feature will create new instances of the part to that location. NOTE: A new instance is a new completely automated file name and drawing file name.


The Duplicate Part feature is just as it sounds where an existing part item can be selected to be placed similarly to Copy, but a second, third, fourth etc., instance is inserted. The benefit of this feature is that if one instance is changed the other instances are changed as well.


When you have something that is not in your library and needs to be modelled and detailed from scratch, this feature inserts a new component ready for modelling. Different new Parts can be created to form templates.


We have placed a number of shortcuts which filter the library for you to speed the search of particular Part items in the library for you to insert into your project. Below is a sample of some of the items supplied by our library for you to use in your projects.


Our Automated filing system can be used for the marking of your Part Drawings or alternatively, you can run your own marking system over the top of the filing system. This gives you flexibility to Mark your Part Items the way you want.